Wax Remover / Wax Inhibitor
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wax remover / wax inhibitor
What Is Wax Remover

Khavaran Paraffin pour point depressants stop pipeline blockages during shut-ins and in seafloor crude oil transport.
Liquid hydrocarbons produced from many oil and gas reservoirs become unstable soon after leaving the formation.
Asphaltenes and paraffinic materials in the oil may cause poor flow ability or lead to flow-restricting deposits.
This can occur just about anywhere in your system, including the formation.
Remove and prevent profit-robbing organic deposits and waxy crudes
At our production centre we have the flexibility to filter and add to the products to cater for customer requirements.
Long-chain paraffins and asphaltic compounds in crude oils can damage the formation, plug production and transport equipment, cause severe emulsions, and destroy profits.
We remove and prevent paraffin and asphaltic deposits
Khavaran Paraffin pour point depressants stop pipeline blockages during shut-ins and in seafloor crude oil transport. Liquid hydrocarbons produced from many oil and gas reservoirs become unstable soon after leaving the formation. Asphaltenes and paraffinic materials in the oil may cause poor flow ability or lead to flow-restricting deposits. This can occur just about anywhere in your system, including the formation. Wherever system conditions change, organic deposition problems can arise and destroy production efficiency.
Effectively control asphaltene damage and improve remediation Pressure drops, acid jobs, CO2 injection, and crude oil blending can destabilize asphaltenes and cause them to precipitate.Our high-performing efficient asphaltene inhibitors help control and block damaging asphaltene deposits from forming. If asphaltene remediation is needed, our dispersants make cleanup easier and more effective. Khavaran Paraffin asphaltene control solutions can help repair formation flow and permeability. They effectively inhibit equipment-destroying deposits and plugs, reduce separator interface problems, gas plant heat exchanger fouling, and asphaltic resin plugging of injection systems. Combat paraffins and pour point challenges To combat paraffin problems, we’ve developed advanced chemical solutions that interfere with paraffins’ normal tendency to set up. Khavaran Paraffin products and services are suited for any paraffin challenge, even in cold-weather situations.
Keep your waxy production flowing with paraffin control products that include
paraffin and wax inhibitors that prevent deposits from forming • dispersants and solvents to remove built-up deposits • pour point depressants (PPD) and cold flow improvers • yield and viscosity reduction agents.
Khavaran Paraffin pour point depressants stop pipeline blockages during shut–ins and in seafloor crude oil transport. Liquid hydrocarbons produced from many oil and gas reservoirs become unstable soon after leaving the formation. Asphaltenes and paraffinic materials in the oil may cause poor flow ability or lead to flow–restricting deposits.This can occur just about anywhere in your system, including the formation.


At our production centre we have the flexibility to filter and add to the products to cater for customer requirements.
HP/HT wells, shales and under pressured shales requires specialized drilling fluids and wellbore-strengthening techniques. Adding Wax Remover/Inhibitor strengthens the well by:
- Repair formation flow and permeability.
- Effectively inhibit equipment-destroying deposits and plugs,
- Reduce separator interface problems
- Combat paraffin’s and pour point challenges
- Prevent deposits from forming
- Yield and viscosity reduction